Hello Beautiful Souls- May is a month of transformation for so many. Graduations from Kindergarten to College have me feeling melancholy. Parenthood is a series of never-ending, bittersweet, heart-exploding experiences and I am grateful for every single one. I can’t help but feel that I share the enormity of our children’s evolution and hope this blog re-post resonates deeply and stirs the value of our involvement as parents for each one of you.
I anticipate your arrival doused in unknown experiences.
My nose rests on top of your newborn head and I breathe in all of you.
You smell like perfect daydreams and wondrous hope.
A new breath, a new beginning, a new life.
Laying like a feather in my heart.
You run in from playing outside. You land clumsily into my lap.
I bury my nose in your sun-kissed skin and I breathe in all of you.
You smell like light summer air and pancake syrup
Dependent. Sweet. Innocent.
Laying heavy in my arms. Eyes closed. Dreaming.
The school bus drops you off. You run into my arms.
I bury my nose in your kindergarten smile and I breathe in all of you.
You smell like playground laughter and snack-time peanut butter.
Curious. Gentle. Testing.
Laying tired in my arms. Drifting. Growing.
It’s late. I’m grateful you’re home. Your stature towers over me and my head rests under your chin.
I bury my nose in your teenage adventures and I breathe in all of you.
You smell like nighttime bonfires and strong friendships
Bonding. Strong. Here.
Laying heavy on my mind. Confident. Courageous
Your car is packed. The moving van is loaded. I pull you in close and feel your scratchy beard on my cheek.
I bury my nose in your grown-up endeavors and I breathe in all of you.
You smell like adult cologne and heart-felt pride.
Independent. Driven. Leaving.
Laying heavy in my heart. Proud. Scared. Honored.
I anticipate your arrival doused in everything that feels familiar and right.
Welcome Home
I bury my nose in all that you are and all that you’ve become. I breathe in all of you.
You smell like home-spun every day. Familiar, cherished and a gift of love.
Trust. Belief. Here.
Laying in my saturated heart. Filled to the brim. Grateful.
Breathe in all of it.
Micki -DDBR-xo