
Hello Beautiful Souls-As we take time to honor our service men and women and celebrate Memorial Day, I want to thank each and every one for their service and dedication but most of all the ultimate sacrifice they made so that we may live every day knowing we have unlimited freedoms.  Freedom comes in all different forms and carries different meanings from person to person. Most of those freedoms are external. That made me think about our internal freedom. Do you take time to honor you? Do you intentionally offer yourself the gift of unlimited, unselfish acts of love that offer internal freedom?  Recently I made a commitment to do just that. This is my testimony of the last six days spent on a Me Retreat.  I recently acquired some vacation time and decided to devote it to personal projects, intentions and goal setting. Since I would be dedicating four of the six days to my book project, I decided that a cleanse, a detox would help to boost creativity and provide optimal clarity and focus (and besides I was in need of kicking my sugar addiction to the curb…Again!)  I continued all of my daily well-being practices, the rituals that bring balance, joy and peace to my life. The difference is that this week, I had no time restraints. Time. We are so controlled by time. Vacation, time off of work or time away from our typical routine certainly offers the beautiful gift of more time, doesn’t it? With no time restraints, I felt more relaxed and more in tune to me. I meditated each morning for as long as I needed which offered more intense, profound and magical discoveries. I practiced yoga, keeping me mindful of my breath and movement. I took long walks on country roads and sat outside listening to nature and felt more connected. I paid attention to my energy centers and my body, raising my intuition and self-awareness to a greater level. I completed the next phase of my book project and I am ready, with confidence to embrace the next chapter of this passion- no pun intended. (ha-ha, okay maybe just a little pun) Personally, I find that I accomplish more if I set small goals over long term projects or intentions. I am able to hold myself accountable and this proves to be beneficial in attaining a desired outcome as far as time is concerned. Complete feels good! If I have learned nothing else through this process, it definitely has taught me patience. Self-patience is Self-care.

 Time away, time for ourselves shouldn’t feel selfish. In fact it is one of the most selfless acts you can do to promote well-being in your self-care arsenal. You know how much better you feel after a good rest, after a relaxation period? Whether that’s sitting quietly for 10 minutes, adopting a meditation practice, flowing with your breath in an hour long yoga class, relaxing in a 45 minute bubble bath, indulging in a massage, pampering yourself with a manicure or spoiling yourself with a spa day. It can be affordable costing nothing or perhaps a few bucks. Everything I did for myself this week cost zero dollars. Self-care and internal freedom does not cost anything. Do what works for you. Whatever or whenever you can give yourself the gift of time, take it. You deserve it. Your family deserves it. Make it a priority. Make you a priority. Before my Me Retreat, my blood pressure was not at the best it’s been lately and because I take the time to pay attention to my body and its behavior, I knew it was higher than normal. One day into my Me Retreat, my numbers had improved and by this morning, my blood pressure was back to a lovely 121 over 74. Amazing what some self-love can do for the heart.

When I compare my life today to my life several years ago, my circumstances have changed. My job has changed. My responsibilities have changed.  My roles have changed. I have changed. But the important constants in my life have remained the same and without the continual support of my family and friends I would not have been able to change into my freedom.

I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by life. I have a family, a husband and children, a house to take care of and a full-time job. Our kids have moved out on their own, but I have replaced their interests with my own which keeps me incredibly busy. I no longer need to keep track of their social calendars or their daily activities but clearing the way to recognize some of my own interests has offered extra time to dedicate to some creative freedoms too. I am responsible for creating some me time and I am happy to be healthy and strong enough to embrace all of my interests. Please don’t subscribe to the notion that you don’t have time because you do. Excuses are easy. Excuses help feed your negative self-talk (See last week’s blog) If self-care has not been a priority for you, I implore you to make it a priority.

 Intention set. Goals reached. Self-love plus self-care equals internal freedom.

Pay attention to you and your needs. Fill yourself up. Don’t rely on someone else to do that for you.  Be realistic and set attainable goals. Accomplishment. Everything you want can be yours. Reset and reclaim.

It’s amazing what some self-care can do for your soul.

Create your own internal freedom.

DDBR-Micki xo

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