“My Soul Contract” Special Announcement

“My Soul Contract” Special Announcement

Hello Beautiful Souls- November is Memoir Month!


“Oftentimes it is one incredibly difficult event that breaks our hearts into a space that craves the introduction of our spiritual growth.

The soul is waiting as the spirit acknowledges its true path.”~Micki Abels

My Soul Contract -A Teaching Memoir of Trauma, Truth, and Transformation“, will be available for Pre-Order in paperback and ebook versions in December.

I am beyond excited and over the moon to be able to share my work and my stories of transformation with all of you. My audience includes women and men who wish to introduce a holistic approach to heal their mind, body and spirit.

In my book, you’ll learn how to:

● Use my tools and techniques to unravel the tangled truths within the conformity of societal rules to discover your emotional triggers

● Pay attention to signs and symbols in your dreams, meditations, and waking life to guide you towards your authentic spirit

 Be an active participant, and mindfully listen and follow the guided whispers from spirit within and around you

 Surrender to the unknown and allow your inner wisdom to guide you

●Expose your inner mysteries and behold your limitless possibilities


Stay tuned for the links to pre-order on my website, http://www.mickiabels.com, or on FB, Micki Abels or Transformation Station, and on Instagram, mickiabels, DDBR, LLC, or on twitter #AbelsMicki

Consider sharing with anyone you feel can benefit from a holistic approach to healing.

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