“The parenting journey holds the potential to be a spiritually regenerative experience for both parent and child, where every moment is a meeting of spirits, and both parent and child appreciate that each dances on a spiritual path that’s unique, holding hands and yet alone.”
Dr Shefali Tsabary
Hello Beautiful Souls- Today is about my sons. For me, today is about having gratitude for the beautiful souls that chose me to be their Mom. I didn’t realize when I had children that I got it all wrong. I thought I was in their lives to teach them but the reality is they were placed in my life to teach me. I am a better person because of you both.
To my first born, my oldest-Thank you for being calm and patient with me as we navigated through all of our firsts together. Everything was brand new for both of us. I thank you for granting me fresh eyes and clear vision to explore a whole new world for the first time…again. Thank you for gently introducing me to this thing called motherhood. You are as solid as the day you were born with a kind and gentle heart. Your confidence is one of your many strengths, you are a goal-setter with a determined spirit. You could always see the big picture, the one laid out in front of you, the one you built and diligently walked towards. You are the planner, the one with persistent integrity and you will continue to challenge yourself by setting your bar higher and higher. Thank you for your unexpected, dry sense of humor. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for your realistic insights on the world around you. Thank you for your beautiful smile. You are a bright star in this mom’s galaxy. I thank you for choosing me and I am so proud to call you my son.
To my second born, my baby-Thank you for being second, you arrived on your own terms which has proven to be your personality. Thank you for teaching me to face my fears. I was scared for you and for me, you are a fighter and I thank you for your determination to be here. You are a combination of confident and strong, sweet and shy. Thank you for quietly accepting the hand-me-down clothes, the gently used toys, and this tired mom. You are the risk-taker, the dreamer, the fly-by- the-seat- of-your-pants believer. You are charismatic and charming and you live life on your terms. Thank you for your sense of humor and your jaw-dropping, incorrigible, inappropriate quick wit. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for your beautiful smile. You are a bright star in this mom’s galaxy. Thank you for choosing me and I am so proud to call you my son.
I have been blessed to experience the joy of two sons and last September I was blessed to add a daughter-in-love to my beautiful family. I am excited to experience all the joys of having a sweet girl to love. I am so grateful for her and this lovely addition to our lives. To both of my handsome, smart, funny, sweet, honest, strong, adoring sons I thank you for showing me that I got it right most of the time and I especially thank you for having grace when I didn’t. Thank you for letting me feel that my kiss could heal your skinned knees and mend your broken hearts. Thank you for letting me hold you while at the same time knowing I would have to let you go. Thank you for holding my hand and walking beside me through this wonderful life. Thank you for sharing your heart and filling up mine and because of that, you will never be too far away from me.
Motherhood is about letting go. From the moment we are chosen, to the day they fly away, it’s all about love and fear and letting go. Maybe you became a mom by carrying a miracle in your womb. Maybe your miracle was adopting a child or maybe a child adopted you. Maybe your nurturing spirit has attracted many children into your life. Maybe all your babies are the furry kind, perhaps they have wings, skins or fins. It’s really about caring for another isn’t it? We get to feel everything our children feel, every accolade, every accomplishment, every defeat and every heart break. We are not looking for a trophy or a blue ribbon. Our prizes come in little tidbits over time, spread out in breathtaking moments that we hold in our hearts. There are things that happen that touch our mom hearts so deeply, words cannot express what we are feeling.
I know today will be filled with lots of love and joy for many of you. You will have spent the day gladly celebrating the important women in your life. Perhaps you are blessed with your own children who will be spending the day with you or spending time to connect with you in one way or another. Sadly some moms are missing their children today, gone too soon. I hope you can find peace, love and joy for the special person who chose you to be their mom. Your pain is unknown and unmatched but shared by too many. My heart breaks for all the moms who share such a devastating, life-altering loss. Perhaps your mother is no longer in the physical world and you will pay your respects to her, maybe have a quiet time of reflection for all the wonderful memories you have of her. I hope for many of you, you are able to look your mom in her eyes and tell her how much you love, honor and cherish her. Take the time to thank her for all the sacrifices she made, for all the meals she made and all the fun she made. Tell her how much she means to you in every way you can think of and she may smile shyly because she doesn’t do it for the gratitude, she doesn’t do it for the attention, she does it because you are her everything.
I also want to thank my role models, my mom, my mother-in-love, my sisters, my friends, and my circle of fantastic women who consistently and continually prove to be my inspirations. May we all support and lift up each other to be and do the best we can.
DDBR-Micki xo